Enlisting in the military allows you to serve, give back to your country, and begin advancing your career. Continue reading for additional information about a career in the military as well as postsecondary programs that allow students to get a head start in military leadership.
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The largest and oldest service in the U.S. military, the Army provides the ground forces that protect the United States.
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Marine Corps
A component of the Department of the Navy, the Marine Corps maintains amphibious and ground units for contingency and operation.
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On, above, and below the water, the Navy is America’s forward-deployed force and is a major deterrent to aggression around the world.
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Air Force
The Air Force provides a rapid, flexible, and lethal air and space capacity that can deliver anywhere in the world within a few hours.
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Space Force
The Space Force organizes, trains, and equips space forces in order to U.S. and allied interests in space and to provide space capabilities to the joint force.
To learn more, go here
Coast Guard
The Coast Guard provides law and maritime safety enforcement, and environmental protection, and military naval support. Part of the Department of Homeland Security during peacetime, the Coast Guard operates under the Navy during times of war.
To learn more, go here
National Guard
Composed of the Army National Guard and Air National Guard, the National Guard is a versatile force, supporting combat missions, domestic emergencies, humanitarian efforts, homeland security operations, and more.
To learn more, go here
Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) programs allow college students interested in enlisting in the military to become an officer upon graduation. ROTC programs also provide leadership training, scholarships, tuition assistance, and professional development opportunities. Enlisting in the U.S. military would not only allow you to serve your country, but also begin advancing your career.
Interested in applying to an ROTC program? Below lists 36 Indiana colleges that offer an ROTC program.
The following Indiana colleges are not participating in Indiana Pre-Admissions. However, you should still explore their ROTC programs and apply! Each campus has its own unique admissions requirements.