Kugundua njia yako.
Kugundua mustakabali wako.
Uko tayari kuanza? Tafuta rasilimali kwa ajili ya...
Next Generation
Hoosier Educator
Msaada wa kifedha
Msaada wa kifedha
Faili ya FAFSA
Faili ya FAFSA
Indiana Kabla ya Vibali
Indiana Kabla ya Vibali
Wasomi wa karne ya 21
Wasomi wa karne ya 21
Karibu kwenye
Jifunze zaidi Indiana
Learn More Indiana helps Hoosiers access college and higher education resources in the state of Indiana by connecting students, families, and educators to college resources and information, financial aid, and the 21st Century Scholarship.

Mario Rosa
LPCSC Family and Community Engagement Services (F.A.C.E.S.) Coordinator
LaPorte Community School Corporation
“Learn More Indiana is a valuable resource that helps inform, motivate, and empower students, parents, and community members as they navigate the daunting landscape of higher education expenses. The information provides families with the tools and knowledge to control these costs and make college a more financially feasible endeavor. For many years I have referred many students and parents to explore Learn Indiana, and now I am inviting you!”
Unganisha na Mratibu wa Ufikiaji wa Mkoa
Washauri wa shule, wazazi / walezi au wanafunzi wanaohitaji msaada wa moja kwa moja na mpango wa Wasomi wa karne ya 21 au programu yoyote ya misaada ya kifedha ya Indiana inaweza kuwasiliana na Mratibu wao wa Kufikia Mkoa. Kupata yako sasa!
Matukio Yanayokuja
Kitovu cha Rasilimali
Rasilimali hizi zinazoweza kupakuliwa zinalenga kuwapa waalimu na washauri wa Indiana ufahamu na zana zinazohitajika kusaidia chuo cha wanafunzi na mipango ya kazi.
Hii ni kipengee cha kwanza kisichoonekana cha accordion. Usiondoe hii au utendaji utapotea.