2024-2025 Automatic Enrollment
Indiana’s 21st Century Scholars program is an early-college promise program designed to make college more affordable for students.

21st Century Scholars Automatic Enrollment
After the passage of House Enrolled Act (HEA) 1449-2023, 7th and 8th grade Hoosier students who are financially eligible for Free and Reduced Price Lunch will be automatically enrolled in the 21st Century Scholars Program. Parents and guardians of eligible students no longer need to complete an application for their students to participate.
Students who are automatically enrolled in the 21st Century Scholars program must meet all requirements to obtain the scholarship upon graduation.
Was my student automatically enrolled?
Automatic enrollment has currently taken effect for students on track to graduate high school in 2027 and 2028. Letters were sent in October 2024 to parents and guardians of students who have been automatically enrolled. Parents and guardians can see if their students are automatically enrolled by creating ScholarTrack accounts. Do not submit an application to the program until you have confirmed that your student has not been automatically enrolled.
Further guidance and direction will be coming soon for 8th-grade students who were not automatically enrolled and for students who attend a Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) school.
Please note that to ensure eligibility, students must be U.S. citizens or eligible non-citizens. There will also be a required financial means test prior to students’ first year of college to determine how much state aid students are eligible to receive based upon changes in household income.
Stay on Track with ScholarTrack
ScholarTrack is Indiana’s one-stop shop for all state financial aid information. 21st Century Scholars must have a ScholarTrack account to sign the Scholar Pledge and complete all 12 Scholar Success Program activities while in high school.
Click “Register” in the upper right-hand corner.
Select "I am
a student."
Review and sign the Scholar Pledge.
Note: Students should be ready to enter their name, date of birth, email address, and Student Testing Number (STN) or Scholar ID when creating their ScholarTrack account.
What are students' next steps?
- Students who are at least 13 years old should create a ScholarTrack account, regardless of their 21st Century Scholars enrollment status.
- When the ScholarTrack account is created, students must sign the Scholar Pledge to confirm enrollment in the program. This should be completed by the end of 9th grade.
- Once the Scholar Pledge is signed, Scholars must complete the Scholar Success Program. All students can complete the program regardless of 21st Century Scholars enrollment status.
Information for Counselors
Eligible students in the high school classes of 2027 and 2028 have been automatically enrolled. The automatic enrollment process has begun for the class of 2029.
Do not submit an application to the program until you have confirmed that your student has not been automatically enrolled. This will create duplicate ScholarTrack accounts. Letters for the classes of 2027 and 2028 have been sent as of October 2024.
School counselors and educators can see automatically enrolled students in the class of 2027 in their ScholarTrack rosters.
Note: As a parent of a student who was automatically enrolled in 21st Century Scholars, you can opt your student out of the program. Choosing to opt your student out of the 21st Century Scholars enrollment means they will not have access to the scholarship funds, resources, or incentives that come with being in the program.
Opt-out forms must be submitted by mail to the Indiana Commission for Higher Education.